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March 3, 2018

School life in Anhua County in the 80s and 90s

Below is a translation of an article about growing up in Anhua County during the 80s and early 90s. This is where Fanglai grew up, and she has told me the same stories.

It describes the experience of middle school students. They would spend weekends at home and the week at school. They would bring all their own food for the week, cook their own rice, and share a dorm room with 20 students ("more than 20!", says Fanglai). They would leave on foot for school on Sunday afternoon, with a backpack full of rice and pickled vegetables to feed themselves for the week.

These days, families are richer. Student eat out of cafeterias. Some families rent apartments near the school, so they can be close to their children, and the children don’t have to travel so far to get home.

Reminiscences of Anhua people born in the 70s and 80s: the years we carried salted vegetables to school each week.

2016-01-05 网络 品味安化
January 5, 2016 | Online | Taste of Anhua

Incomplete translation of the original by .

For those of us born in the countryside during the 70s and 80s (and early 90s), going to school was pretty tough!

那时家里孩子多,父母收入也不高,初中时候,家离学校远的,就寄读在学校,一周回去一次。 像现在陪读啥的根本没有,能在赶集的时候捎带点吃的就挺好的了。
Back then, families were big and money was tight. Middle school was far way, so we boarded there and went home once a week. These days, some families will move close to school, to be near their kids. This practice was non-existent back then. If your family managed to bring you something nice on market day, you'd be doing pretty well.

on the way to school
We took salted vegetables to school each week. Oh yes, those deliciously memorable salted vegetables!

记得那时候,周日下午就要返校,临走前,母亲把腌好的萝卜从大缸里拿出来,洗洗切成丝,滴上一点油炒, 再放上点儿辣椒,炒完了,给我装到罐头瓶里,我再塞满满一包馒头,接过几张零钱(一块的),这就是我一周的伙食。
In those days we had to return to school on Sunday afternoon. When it was almost time to leave, mom would take some pickled radish out of the big crock, wash and slice it, stir fry it with a touch of oil, add a little hot pepper, and finish the cooking. She'd fill a jar, and I would stuff my bag with steamed buns. Along with a few one-yuan bills, this was my food for a week.

lunch box
The aluminum lunch box of the day. Everyone's lunch box had its own identifying marks--for example, an engraved family name.
steaming rice
Steaming rice.

那时候,家离学校远的,就寄读在学校(基本上没有家长在学校外面租房陪读这一说), 都是背一坨米,带一瓶咸菜,一般只有周末才回家一次,住学校的集体宿舍,日子叫一个艰苦!
Home was far from school, so we boarded (unlike today, families back then could rarely afford to move close to school to be near their children). Everyone would lug a heap of rice and bring a jar of salted vegetables. We might get home once a week for the weekend. Otherwise we stayed in group dorms at school. Those were hard times!

记得刚上初中那会儿,才开学时,有好多同学自己不会蒸饭,有的蒸饭不淘米,有的蒸饭不加水, 有的把握不好水的多少。当时我们一间二十个平方左右的宿舍住了二十几个同学,热闹是很热闹, 争吵打架被偷也是常事儿。
I remember at the beginning of middle school, at the start of the year, many of our classmates didn't know how to steam rice. Some would steam rice without washing it first, others wouldn't add any water, others would add too much. We shared a single 20 square meter dorm room with over 20 students. While it could be quite lively, there were also plenty of arguments, fights, and theft.

Winter was the hardest time to endure. You had to wash your rice and lunch box in cold water. When the sun came out, the chilblains on your hands were painful and itchy!

Many young students eating together in a dorm room.
This is how we used to eat.
Wooden trunks on the floor of a door room.
A wooden trunk for each student.

现在的孩子,好多是家长租房陪读;有些就算是住校,每顿都是在学校食堂买饭吃, 根本没有自己蒸饭这一说法了。对于现在大多数城镇、城市的娃儿们来说,很多是不知道那种生活, 也无法体会的。
Today, many parents rent apartments near school, some even live on campus. Every meal is bought in the cafeteria, and no one steams their own rice. For most urban kids growing up today, the old kind of life is unknown and incomprehensible.

Soybeans on rice.

那时候,我们背上一大周的米,自己蒸饭,然后拌上自己带的咸菜,要是零花钱够点, 那么就打一份汤,要是家里给得少,那么也是很舍不得打一份汤的。
Back then we carried a week's worth of rice, steamed it ourselves, and ate it with vegetables that we also brought ourselves. If we happened to have enough money, we might buy a bowl of soup. If not, we'd just have to go without.

那时候日子过得是紧巴巴的,都是一天一天数着希望快点放周末,一般都是觉得过了星期三, 那这一周就快了,然后回到家中,尝尝家里的土鸡蛋,加加餐。
Life at school was constrained, and we'd count the days till the weekend. Once we got past Wednesday, it felt like the week was almost over. Soon we'd be back home, trying fresh village eggs, and eating our fill.

Metal lunch box.
The lunch box of those days
Metal tea and rice cup.
The popular multi-function tea mug (dual-purpose for eating and drinking)
Actually, any bag would do.
A bag for carrying food in jars

The food we took to school in those days

Salted vegetables: thinly sliced pickled radish, fried with a bit of oil. With enough steamed buns it could hold you over for a week. We also ate mustard greens and other pickled vegetables.
Pickled veggies
【鸡蛋】这个绝对在那个时候是好东西,少不了被小伙伴们羡慕! 那时候一顿都是只吃半个,根本舍不得吃多。哪像现在的孩子不吃到处扔!
Eggs: absolutely a good thing back then, and the envy of your friends! At the time, each meal only included half an egg, and we didn't dare overeat. Nothing like today where kids throw around food!
【芋头干】家里一般都没有好菜可带,有些人家芋头比较多,就会晒些, 到时候,家里的孩子上学就带着这个吃,挺好吃的。
Dried sweet potato: families typically had limited options for what kinds of foods they could send to school. But sometimes a family might have a little extra sweet potato and dry it for school. It was delicious!
Dried veggies
Fermented tofu: usually preserved in winter. Really delicious.
Hanging veggies Making food Cooking food Spicy tofu

The cash we used in those days

One jiao Five jiao
Two yuan would keep you happy all day, as happy as a dog with a bone!
Two yuan
Five yuan was as good as Chinese New Year! You could buy lots of delicious food, or secret it away....
Five yuan
New bills appeared in the 90s.
Two yuan, 90s-style Five yuan, 90s-style Ten yuan, 90s-style 100 yuan, 90s-style

Back then we were poor as grandkids, but as happy as grandpas! Those days are gone now, we can only go back in our memories. If you agree, share this with your friends from the time!

Content comes from the internet, and copyright is retained by the original author(s).

Taste of Anhua

编辑 | 邓迪波 | 百万安化人之家
Editor | Deng Dibo | Home of a million Anhua people

[email protected]

Beautiful Anhua